Circular 7/2001 Review of distinguishing devices and uniforms for the nursing profession

6 June 2001

To all Nursing Education Institutions, Universities, Technikons, Nursing Colleges and Nursing Schools


Review of Distinguishing Devices and Uniforms for the Nursing Profession


South African Nursing Council , after consultation with Stakeholders, is presently reviewing the following Regulations that pertain to Distinguishing Devices and uniforms for nurses:

Regulations regarding the distinguishing devices and uniforms for Registered Nurses and Midwives and Registered Student Nurses and Midwives
(R.1201 of 31 July 1970)
Regulations regarding the distinguishing devices and uniforms for Enrolled Nurses and Midwives and Enrolled Pupil Nurses
(R.1740 of 29 September 1972)
Regulations regarding the distinguishing devices and uniforms for Enrolled Nursing Auxiliaries and Enrolled Pupil Nursing Auxiliaries
(R.1747 of 29 September 1972)

The guiding principles that inform the amendment of the above regulations are:

  1. Distinguishing Devices for nurses are to be in keeping with technological advances.
  2. Distinguishing Devices will be the primary focus of the new regulations.
  3. Dress code rather than uniforms will be prescribed.
  4. The Distinguishing Devices should assist the public to identify a nurse.
  5. South African Nursing Council will be the sole authority responsible for the distribution of all Distinguishing Devices pertaining to nursing.


The process and the estimated time schedule for each process will be as follows:


Amendment to regulations and recommendations made to the Minister of Health for promulgation.


Development of administrative structures and procedures necessary for the implementation of the new Distinguishing Devices.


Introduction of new Distinguishing Devices and phasing out of old Distinguishing Devices.


The Council at this stage, cannot provide you with further details about the nature of the amendments to the regulations or the form in which the new Distinguishing Devices will take.  We are presently investigating various options and the profession will be kept duly informed about developments.


Dr G Ramadi
for Registrar and Chief Executive Officer
South African Nursing Council