Restoration of nurses to the SANC nursing register for National State of Disaster period: Private Hospitals

1 May 2020

1 May 2020

Dear Stakeholder

Please note that the process for private hospitals is the same as for Provincial Departments of Health, with the following exceptions:

1. All Hospital Association of South Africa (HASA)- affiliated health establishments will be handled via HASA directly – the process has been communicated to and agreed upon by HASA. The contact person is Lauren Drysdale at email: [email protected]

2. Private hospitals NOT affiliated to HASA will follow the process as set out below and submit the list per hospital. If you need clarity on this process kindly contact Mr Patrick Modiselle at email: [email protected]

The process, in short:

Position/s are advertised by the Employer, who will do the screenings for the positions (nature of engagement agreed upon between practitioner and health establishment).
The form has been sent to HASA (The form is also on the SANC website as a backup).
Once an employment or engagement agreement is reached with the employing health establishment, HASA (or if a private hospital it can be sent to the SANC if not affiliated to HASA) sends a bulk pack of applications to the SANC for processing.
The SANC will issue the certificate letters to the Employer as proof of registration of a Nurse with the SANC.
The Employer then communicates to the Nurses as they issue letters of engagement.
No individual applications can be sent to the SANC for processing.

NB: Registration lapses immediately upon lifting of the National State of Disaster.

Restoration Form for Private Hospitals