Circular 5/2008 SANC Year end closure

Circular 5/2008 SANC Year end closure


4 December 2008

TO ALL:Nursing Education Institutions
 Nursing Stakeholders

South African Nursing Council – Year End Closure

22 December 2008 – 2 January 2009


The South African Nursing Council (SANC) offices will be closed at the year end from 22 December 2008 to 2 January 2009.

The SANC offices will reopen at 08:00 on 5 January 2009.

Kindly inform all persons in your institutions so that they are aware in advance of the dates the Council will be closed.

We apologise in advance for any inconvenience that this arrangement may cause you.

Ms H Subedar

Registrar and CEO
S A Nursing Council


Contact person regarding enquiries about this circular:  Ms Party-day Moloi

Telephone 012 426 9542

© 2004 - 2020 South African Nursing Council (Under the provisions of the Nursing Act, 2005)


Special News Item 3/2008

Special News Item 3/2008

Nursing Strategy for South Africa 2008


The Department of Health has published the Nursing Strategy for South Africa 2008 on its website.

The development of a nursing strategy was a priority identified in the National Human Resources for Health Plan published in 2006.  The Strategy was developed by leaders drawn from many different fields in the nursing and health sectors and is governments plan for addressing the many challenges facing nursing in South Africa.

The document is published on the Nursing Council website at the request of the Department of Health in an attempt to distribute the information it contains as widely as possible amongst the nursing profession and others involved in the health care sector.  Please download a copy of the strategy document and share it with your friends and colleagues. To do so, click on the following link:  Nursing Strategy for South Africa 2008 (pdf 252kb)

 N.B. : This Nursing Strategy was replaced by the Nursing Strategy for SA 2012-17.

Circular 4/2008 SANC Examination Schedule 2009

Circular 4/2008 SANC Examination Schedule 2009


17 November 2008

TO ALL:Nursing Education Institutions
 Nursing Stakeholders

South African Nursing Council
Examination Schedule – 2009


Click here to see the Examination Schedule for 2009.


Kindly take note of the following requirements applicable to the Council examinations. 

  1. The closing date for examination should be strictly adhered to and no exceptions or allowances will be made to extend these dates. 

  2. Only registered students/pupils will be eligible to enter for an examination:  The head of the nursing education institution must ensure that all students/pupils are registered with the Council within the prescribed period (this does not apply to the Admission Examination for Enrolled Nursing or to the Admission Examination for Foreign Nurses).

  3. The Council will only process examination applications for entry into the Council examinations that meet the following requirements:

a)    submitted on the Council’s Application for Examination Form which is completed in full and signed by the relevant person(s).  (The name/s and surname as appearing in the identity document.)

b)    accompanied by the prescribed fee or proof of payment of the fee into the Council’s bank account, such payment should be done by the school (group payment) and not by individual students.  The latter delays processing of applications as some payments are outstanding at the time of processing:  Banking details are as follows: 

Name of bank:First National Bank
Account number:51425166282 (Current Account)
Branch:Pretoria Branch Corporate Core Services
Branch code:251445 253145
Reference:Reference number MUST appear on ALL deposits!

 c)    includes all the required documentation.

  1. Only those students/pupils that have been issued an examination number will be eligible to write Council examination.

  2. All practical MARK SHEETS must be submitted to Council by the end of the month in which the examination is written. Examination results cannot be processed if practical MARK SHEETS as per the SANC format are not submitted on time.

  3. The SANC requests the NEIs not to coerse the invigilator/s to enclose the practical mark sheet or any other document with the Examination package.

  4. The Council reserves the right to cancel an examination reflected on the schedule if there are insufficient candidates for such an examination(s).

  5. The SANC requests the NEIs to inform all learners to refrain from individually contacting the Council to enquire about examination results.

  6. In respect of the Admission Examination for the Course Leading to Enrolment as a Nurse, the school has a responsibility to identify a learner(s) who cannot be admitted into the second year of the Course Leading to Enrolment as a Nurse (R.2175) before the learner has written and successfully passed the admission examination for the R.2175 course.  No learner(s) shall be allowed to write the final year examination of the R.2175 course before they have passed the Admission examination.



© 2004 - 2020 South African Nursing Council (Under the provisions of the Nursing Act, 2005)


Circular 3/2008 Increases in Nursing Council fees

Circular 3/2008 Increases in Nursing Council fees


8 September 2008

TO ALL:Nursing Education Institutions
 Non-Training Institutions

Increases in Nursing Council Fees


South African Nursing Council has contained the increase to its fees for the last two years. Due to factors beyond our control we regret to inform you that it has become necessary to increase fees at this time. The decision of Council to increase fees was influenced largely by inflation and the new legislative requirements which placed a drastic increase in resource demands on the Council. The Nursing Act, 2005 promulgated in February 2008 has imposed a number of new regulatory responsibilities and processes which must be performed by the Nursing Council and fulfillment of these require an increase of resources to establish.

Examples of additional regulatory responsibilities include:

Implement new categories of nurses and scopes of practice;
Introduce a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) system for nursing;
Institute an appeals mechanism; and
Expand the investigation role of Nursing Council to include cases of poor quality of nursing in institutions.

Nursing Council wishes to assure stakeholders that it is committed to a programme of continuous improvement of service delivery through systems improvement and the use of technology. We have also ensured that the increased fees remain in line with or lower than all other professional fees for health workers in South Africa.


Notice of Increase in Fees

You are hereby notified that increases in South African Nursing Council fees have been published in Government Gazette No. 31374 dated 5 September 2008. This circular contains details of all the increased fees and the dates from which they will be applied.

Copies of Government Gazette No. 31374 of 5 September 2008 are attached to this circular for your information. Copies of the Government Gazette can be purchased from the Government Printers.


Annual Fees for 2009 will increase from 1 October 2008

The Annual Fees for 2009 will increase from the date of publication of the notice in the Gazette. For practical purposes, the increased Annual Fees for 2009 will be payable for all amounts received on or after Wednesday 1 October 2008.


Category of RegistrationAnnual Fee for 2009 (including VAT)
     • Professional Nurse
     • Midwife
     • Registered Nurse/Midwife
     • Staff Nurse
     • Auxiliary Midwife
     • Enrolled Nurse/Midwife
     • Auxiliary Nurse
     • Nursing Auxiliaries

This means that in respect of payments for 2009 Annual Fees made prior to 1 October 2008:

1. A person who has paid the annual fee (in full) prior to the above date will not have to pay the difference between the old and the new fees.

2. If fees have been paid via postal services and the posting date on the article is before 1 October 2008, the person will not be expected to pay the difference.

3. If fees have been paid electronically and the payment appears on the Nursing Council bank statement before 1 October 2008, the person will not be expected to pay the difference. In this regard, please check the rules of your own banking institution regarding the effective date for payments made electronically. Council will not make any exceptions in this regard since these rules form part of the electronic banking agreement between the client and the banking institution.


All Restoration Fees will increase from 1 October 2008

The Restoration Fees will increase with effect from Wednesday 1 October 2008.


 Category of RegistrationRegular Restoration Fee (including VAT)
Restoration Fees     • Professional Nurse
     • Midwife
     • Registered Nurse/Midwife
     • Staff Nurse
     • Auxiliary Midwife
     • Enrolled Nurse/Midwife
     • Auxiliary Nurse
     • Nursing Auxiliaries


 Category of RegistrationReduced Restoration Fee (including VAT)
Restoration Fees
(following voluntary removal) 
     • All CategoriesR70-00


Other Fees that will increase from 1 October 2008

The following fees will also increase with effect from Wednesday 1 October 2008.


Description of FeeFee Amount (including VAT)
Application Fees
(foreign qualifications)
Certificate of Status FeesR150-00
Registration Fees
(payable on application for registration in a category of nursing) 



Please note that the above fees all include VAT at the current rate of 14%.

Hasina Subedar
Registrar and Chief Executive Officer 

© 2004 - 2020 South African Nursing Council (Under the provisions of the Nursing Act, 2005)


Circular 2/2008 Reinstatement of Ms Hasina Subedar as Registrar of the South African Nursing Council

Circular 2/2008 Reinstatement of Ms Hasina Subedar as Registrar of the South African Nursing Council


6 August 2008

To all:Nursing Education Institutions
 Non-Training Institutions
 Nursing Stakeholders


Reinstatement of Ms Hasina Subedar as Registrar

Following the outcome of the much publicized CCMA case between Ms Hasina Subedar and the South African Nursing Council, Ms Subedar has been reinstated as Registrar and Chief Executive Officer of the South African Nursing Council with effect from 1 July 2008.

On behalf of Council, I welcome Ms Subedar back as Registrar and wish her every success as together we strive to achieve the level of service to the public of South Africa envisioned in the new Nursing Act, 2005.

Our heartfelt thanks are extended to the Minister of Health, Dr Manto Tshabalala-Msimang for seconding Ms Thandi Manganye to the Nursing Council as Acting Registrar during this period. Ms Manganye’s contribution to the Nursing Council is appreciated by both the Council and the Administration. We wish her well as she returns to her post in the National Department of Health.


Ms N J Makhanya
South African Nursing Council

© 2004 - 2020 South African Nursing Council (Under the provisions of the Nursing Act, 2005)


Circular 1/2008 Launch of SANC eRegister system

Circular 1/2008 Launch of the SANC eRegister system


5 August 2008

To all:Nursing Education Institutions
 Non-Training Institutions
 Nursing Stakeholders


The South African Nursing Council is very pleased to announce the launch of:




eRegister is the South African Nursing Council Electronic Register of Nurses and Midwives.

eRegister is published in terms of section 35 of the Nursing Act, 2005 as a COPY of the official register. It is primarily intended for use by those who need to verify the registration status of a practitioner and the validity of the original documents presented by the practitioner. Practitioners may also use eRegister to confirm their own registration status.

You can access eRegister from the SANC website or directly by typing the following address in your web browser:

TIP: Once the “Conditions of Use” page opens, save it as one of your FAVOURITES and you won’t have to remember the address each time you use it.

USING eRegister

In order to use eRegister you will need to know either the practitioner’s SANC number or South African Identity Number.

eRegister has been designed to be as simple to use as possible. If you read the instructions on each screen, and follow them, you should not have any difficulty. Take a moment to read through the Help page before getting started as it contains additional information to assist you. Please read all notes boxes carefully – they contain important information about the information displayed using eRegister.

TIP: The easiest and fastest way to use eRegister is by using just the numeric keypad and the Enter key. 


Employers are cautioned that they may not rely solely on eRegister when checking the credentials of a new employee. The applicant’s identity must be authenticated by the production of the necessary identity documents and the necessary original documents which serve as proof of registration in terms of the Nursing Act, 2005.

Once the employee’s true identity has been established, eRegister can be used to monitor the on-going registration status of the practitioner.


In order to protect practitioners, confidential information such as contact details, etc. will not be made available on eRegister. For the same reason, users will not be able to use the system to extract lists of practitioners. Criteria searches such as those which may be required by recruitment organizations will also not be permitted.


Ms Hasina Subedar
Registrar and CEO

© 2004 - 2020 South African Nursing Council (Under the provisions of the Nursing Act, 2005)


Special News Item 2/2008

Special News Item 2/2008


Council Members – Members of the 14th South African Nursing Council


Members of the 14th South African Nursing Council


The South African Nursing Council is constituted in terms of the Nursing Act, 2005 (Act No. 33 of 2005).  The chairperson is appointed by the Minister of Health after consultation with the Nursing Council.  The vice-chairperson and standing committees are elected by the members in terms of the Nursing Act, 2005 and the Rules for the Conduct of Business.  The term of office of the 14th South African Nursing Council was 26 June 2008 to 25 June 2013.  The 14th Council held its first meeting on 10 July 2008.  At that meeting, the Honourable Minister of Health Dr. Manto Tshabalala-Msimang was the guest of honour.  The Minister appointed Ms. Jabulile Nonhlanhla Makhanya as chairperson.  The Nursing Council members then elected a vice-chairperson.  The 14th Council concluded its business on 25 June 2013.


Click on one of the links below to go to the details of the office bearers, council members or committee members of the 14th Council.
Office Bearers
Council Members
Committee Members
Executive Committee
Accreditation Committee
Communication and Liaison Committee
Education Committee
Finance Committee
Human Resources Committee
Impairment Committee
Laws, Practise and Standards Committee
Preliminary Investigating Committee
Professional Conduct Committee
Constitution of Council
Professional nurses / midwives
Special competencies

Office Bearers

Chairperson:         Makhanya, Jabulile Nonhlanhla

Vice-chairperson: Mogotlane, Sophie Mataniele

[Back to Top]

Council Members

Alexander, Alec Nicholas

Bhengu, Busisiwe Rosemary

Chauke, Mkhacani (appointed 2012-09-01)

Davhana-Maselesele, Mashudu

Duma, Sinegugu Evidence

Erasmus, Catharina Magdalena

Gumbi, Rachel

Harper, Giuseppina (appointed 2012-09-01)

Human, Susara Petronella

Jeftha, Gloria

 Ledwaba, Moshekoa Daphney

Makhanya, Jabulile Nonhlanhla (chairperson)

Makwetla, Ida Sannie

Manganye, Thandi Sheila (resigned 2010-05-03)

Mdlalose, Thembisile Rose

Mogotlane, Sophie Mataniele (vice-chairperson) 

Mokale, Segomoco Irene

Nikodem, Vernicé Cheryl

Nyasulu, Dolly Montutuzelo

Pienaar, Abel Jacobus

Pitso, Wilfred Gaahele (deceased 2011-12-08)

Rammutla, Pitsi (appointed 2012-09-01)

Solombela, Welekazi Phillis

Teffo, Mmonoa Jowie (néé Lebelo) (resigned)

Thompson, Vonita

Tshayinca, Nompumelelo Jane

Vasuthevan, Sharon

Xaba, Rosetta Ntambose (resigned 2012-04-13)

Zulu, Phumelele Faithful (appointed 2011-02-22)

[Back to Top]

Committee Members

The membership of the various committees of the 14th South African Nursing Council is shown below under the name of each committee.  The chairperson of Council (Ms. JN Makhanya) was a member or an ex officio member of all committees of Council.


Executive Committee

Makhanya, Jabulile Nonhlanhla (chairperson)
Mogotlane, Sophie Mataniele (vice-chairperson) 
Davhana-Maselesele, Mashudu
Human, Susara Petronella
Makwetla, Ida Sannie
Pienaar, Abel Jacobus
Rammutla, Pitsi
Zulu, Phumelele Faithful
[Back to Top]

Accreditation Committee

Duma, Sinegugu Evidence (chairperson)
Erasmus, Catharina Magdalena
Mdlalose, Thembisile Rose
Mogotlane, Sophie Mataniele
Mokale, Segomoco Irene
Vasuthevan, Sharon
[Back to Top]

Communication and Liaison Committee

Human, Susara Petronella (chairperson)
Alexander, Alec Nicholas
Chauke, Mkhacani
Pienaar, Abel Jacobus
[Back to Top]

Education Committee

Vasuthevan, Sharon (chairperson)
Duma, Sinegugu Evidence
Erasmus, Catharina Magdalena
Human, Susara Petronella
Ledwaba, Moshekoa Daphney
Nyasulu, Dolly Montutuzelo
Pienaar, Abel Jacobus
[Back to Top]

Finance Committee

Rammutla, Pitsi (chairperson)
Davhana-Maselesele, Mashudu
Makwetla, Ida Sannie
Mogotlane, Sophie Mataniele
Thompson, Vonita
[Back to Top]

Human Resources Committee

Jeftha, Gloria (chairperson)
Gumbi, Rachel
Harper, Giuseppina
Mdlalose, Thembisile Rose
Mogotlane, Sophie Mataniele
Vasuthevan, Sharon
[Back to Top]

Impairment Committee

Pienaar, Abel Jacobus (chairperson)
Harper, Giuseppina
Nikodem, Vernicé Cheryl
Tshayinca, Nompumelelo Jane
Zulu, Phumelele Faithful
[Back to Top]

Laws, Practise and Standards Committee

Human, Susara Petronella (chairperson)
Bhengu, Busisiwe Rosemary
Harper, Giuseppina
Mokale, Segomoco Irene
Thompson, Vonita
Zulu, Phumelele Faithful
[Back to Top]

Preliminary Investigating Committee

Erasmus, Catharina Magdalena (chairperson)
Alexander, Alec Nicholas
Chauke, Mkhacani
Mokale, Segomoco Irene
[Back to Top]

Professional Conduct Committee

Bhengu, Busisiwe Rosemary (chairperson)
Jeftha, Gloria
Ledwaba, Moshekoa Daphney
Mdlalose, Thembisile Rose
Mogotlane, Sophie Mataniele
Nyasulu, Dolly Montutuzelo
Solombela, Welekazi Phillis
Thompson, Vonita


[Back to Top]

Constitution of the South African Nursing Council

The South African Nursing Council consisted of persons appointed in terms of Section 5 of the Nursing Act, 2005 (Act No. 33 of 2005) as follows.


Section 5 (1) (a)

Fourteen members who are registered in terms of Section 31(1)(a) and (b)

Bhengu, Busisiwe Rosemary

Davhana-Maselesele, Mashudu

Duma, Sinegugu Evidence

Erasmus, Catharina Magdalena

Human, Susara Petronella

Jeftha, Gloria

Ledwaba, Moshekoa Daphney

Makhanya, Jabulile Nonhlanhla (chairperson)

Mdlalose, Thembisile Rose

Mogotlane, Sophie Mataniele (vice-chairperson) 

Nikodem, Vernicé Cheryl

Nyasulu, Dolly Montutuzelo

Pienaar, Abel Jacobus

Vasuthevan, Sharon

[Back to Top]

Section 5 (1) (b)

(i) One person must be an officer of the National Department of Health

Manganye, Thandi Sheila (resigned 2010-05-03)

Zulu, Phumelele Faithful (appointed 2011-02-22)

(ii) One person must have special knowledge of the law

Teffo, Mmonoa Jowie (néé Lebelo) (resigned)

Harper, Giuseppina (appointed 2012-09-01)

(iii) One person must have special knowledge of financial matters

Xaba, Rosetta Ntambose (resigned 2012-04-13)

Rammutla, Pitsi (appointed 2012-09-01)

(iv) One person must have special knowledge of pharmacy

Thompson, Vonita

(v) One person must have special knowledge of education

Gumbi, Rachel

(vi) One person must have knowledge of consumer affairs 

Pitso, Wilfred Gaahele (deceased 2011-12-08)

Chauke, Mkhacani (appointed 2012-09-01)

(vii) Three persons must represent communities

Makwetla, Ida SannieMokale

Segomoco IreneSolombela

Welekazi Phillis

(viii) One person must be registered in terms of section 31 (1) (c)

Alexander, Alec Nicholas

(ix) One person must be registered in terms of section 31 (1) (d)

Tshayinca, Nompumelelo Jane

[Back to Top]


Special News Item 1/2008

Special News Item 1/2008


Council Members – Nomination process for appointment of members of the 14th South African Nursing Council

This information was originally published on the Home Page of the SANC website.

Nomination and appointment of members to serve on the Council

A notice calling for nomination of persons to serve as members of the Nursing Council for the period 2008 to 2013 has been published by the Minister of Health.


™    Click here to see a transcript of the notice published in the Sunday Times of 24 February 2008.


In terms of the arrangements in the notice, the following documents can be downloaded and printed from the Nursing Council website:- 

™   Nursing Act, 2005 (Act No. 33 of 2005)

™   Regulations relating to the Nomination and Appointment of Members of the Council (Government Notice No. R 20 of 16 January 2008)

™   Prescribed Nomination Form

™  Charter of Good Practice for Councillors
™  Covenant for Councillors

™  Application for Certificate of Good Standing


Please watch this space for further information about the nomination process and progress.