Members of the 14th South African Nursing Council
The South African Nursing Council is constituted in terms of the Nursing Act, 2005 (Act No. 33 of 2005). The chairperson is appointed by the Minister of Health after consultation with the Nursing Council. The vice-chairperson and standing committees are elected by the members in terms of the Nursing Act, 2005 and the Rules for the Conduct of Business. The term of office of the 14th South African Nursing Council was 26 June 2008 to 25 June 2013. The 14th Council held its first meeting on 10 July 2008. At that meeting, the Honourable Minister of Health Dr. Manto Tshabalala-Msimang was the guest of honour. The Minister appointed Ms. Jabulile Nonhlanhla Makhanya as chairperson. The Nursing Council members then elected a vice-chairperson. The 14th Council concluded its business on 25 June 2013.
Click on one of the links below to go to the details of the office bearers, council members or committee members of the 14th Council.
Office Bearers
Chairperson: Makhanya, Jabulile Nonhlanhla
Vice-chairperson: Mogotlane, Sophie Mataniele
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Council Members
Alexander, Alec Nicholas
Bhengu, Busisiwe Rosemary
Chauke, Mkhacani (appointed 2012-09-01)
Davhana-Maselesele, Mashudu
Duma, Sinegugu Evidence
Erasmus, Catharina Magdalena
Gumbi, Rachel
Harper, Giuseppina (appointed 2012-09-01)
Human, Susara Petronella
Jeftha, Gloria
Ledwaba, Moshekoa Daphney
Makhanya, Jabulile Nonhlanhla (chairperson)
Makwetla, Ida Sannie
Manganye, Thandi Sheila (resigned 2010-05-03)
Mdlalose, Thembisile Rose
Mogotlane, Sophie Mataniele (vice-chairperson)
Mokale, Segomoco Irene
Nikodem, Vernicé Cheryl
Nyasulu, Dolly Montutuzelo
Pienaar, Abel Jacobus
Pitso, Wilfred Gaahele (deceased 2011-12-08)
Rammutla, Pitsi (appointed 2012-09-01)
Solombela, Welekazi Phillis
Teffo, Mmonoa Jowie (néé Lebelo) (resigned)
Thompson, Vonita
Tshayinca, Nompumelelo Jane
Vasuthevan, Sharon
Xaba, Rosetta Ntambose (resigned 2012-04-13)
Zulu, Phumelele Faithful (appointed 2011-02-22)
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Committee Members
The membership of the various committees of the 14th South African Nursing Council is shown below under the name of each committee. The chairperson of Council (Ms. JN Makhanya) was a member or an ex officio member of all committees of Council.
Executive Committee
Makhanya, Jabulile Nonhlanhla (chairperson) |
Mogotlane, Sophie Mataniele (vice-chairperson) |
Davhana-Maselesele, Mashudu |
Human, Susara Petronella |
Makwetla, Ida Sannie |
Pienaar, Abel Jacobus |
Rammutla, Pitsi |
Zulu, Phumelele Faithful |
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Accreditation Committee
Duma, Sinegugu Evidence (chairperson) |
Erasmus, Catharina Magdalena |
Mdlalose, Thembisile Rose |
Mogotlane, Sophie Mataniele |
Mokale, Segomoco Irene |
Vasuthevan, Sharon |
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Communication and Liaison Committee
Human, Susara Petronella (chairperson) |
Alexander, Alec Nicholas |
Chauke, Mkhacani |
Pienaar, Abel Jacobus |
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Education Committee
Vasuthevan, Sharon (chairperson) |
Duma, Sinegugu Evidence |
Erasmus, Catharina Magdalena |
Human, Susara Petronella |
Ledwaba, Moshekoa Daphney |
Nyasulu, Dolly Montutuzelo |
Pienaar, Abel Jacobus |
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Finance Committee
Rammutla, Pitsi (chairperson) |
Davhana-Maselesele, Mashudu |
Makwetla, Ida Sannie |
Mogotlane, Sophie Mataniele |
Thompson, Vonita |
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Human Resources Committee
Jeftha, Gloria (chairperson) |
Gumbi, Rachel |
Harper, Giuseppina |
Mdlalose, Thembisile Rose |
Mogotlane, Sophie Mataniele |
Vasuthevan, Sharon |
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Impairment Committee
Pienaar, Abel Jacobus (chairperson) |
Harper, Giuseppina |
Nikodem, Vernicé Cheryl |
Tshayinca, Nompumelelo Jane |
Zulu, Phumelele Faithful |
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Laws, Practise and Standards Committee
Human, Susara Petronella (chairperson) |
Bhengu, Busisiwe Rosemary |
Harper, Giuseppina |
Mokale, Segomoco Irene |
Thompson, Vonita |
Zulu, Phumelele Faithful |
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Preliminary Investigating Committee
Erasmus, Catharina Magdalena (chairperson) |
Alexander, Alec Nicholas |
Chauke, Mkhacani |
Mokale, Segomoco Irene |
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Professional Conduct Committee
Bhengu, Busisiwe Rosemary (chairperson) |
Jeftha, Gloria |
Ledwaba, Moshekoa Daphney |
Mdlalose, Thembisile Rose |
Mogotlane, Sophie Mataniele |
Nyasulu, Dolly Montutuzelo |
Solombela, Welekazi Phillis |
Thompson, Vonita |
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Constitution of the South African Nursing Council
The South African Nursing Council consisted of persons appointed in terms of Section 5 of the Nursing Act, 2005 (Act No. 33 of 2005) as follows.
Section 5 (1) (a)
Fourteen members who are registered in terms of Section 31(1)(a) and (b)
Bhengu, Busisiwe Rosemary
Davhana-Maselesele, Mashudu
Duma, Sinegugu Evidence
Erasmus, Catharina Magdalena
Human, Susara Petronella
Jeftha, Gloria
Ledwaba, Moshekoa Daphney
Makhanya, Jabulile Nonhlanhla (chairperson)
Mdlalose, Thembisile Rose
Mogotlane, Sophie Mataniele (vice-chairperson)
Nikodem, Vernicé Cheryl
Nyasulu, Dolly Montutuzelo
Pienaar, Abel Jacobus
Vasuthevan, Sharon
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Section 5 (1) (b)
(i) One person must be an officer of the National Department of Health
Manganye, Thandi Sheila (resigned 2010-05-03)
Zulu, Phumelele Faithful (appointed 2011-02-22)
(ii) One person must have special knowledge of the law
Teffo, Mmonoa Jowie (néé Lebelo) (resigned)
Harper, Giuseppina (appointed 2012-09-01)
(iii) One person must have special knowledge of financial matters
Xaba, Rosetta Ntambose (resigned 2012-04-13)
Rammutla, Pitsi (appointed 2012-09-01)
(iv) One person must have special knowledge of pharmacy
Thompson, Vonita
(v) One person must have special knowledge of education
Gumbi, Rachel
(vi) One person must have knowledge of consumer affairs
Pitso, Wilfred Gaahele (deceased 2011-12-08)
Chauke, Mkhacani (appointed 2012-09-01)
(vii) Three persons must represent communities
Makwetla, Ida SannieMokale
Segomoco IreneSolombela
Welekazi Phillis
(viii) One person must be registered in terms of section 31 (1) (c)
Alexander, Alec Nicholas
(ix) One person must be registered in terms of section 31 (1) (d)
Tshayinca, Nompumelelo Jane
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