Circular 5/2010 NEIs: Requirements for submitting learner forms to SANC

Circular 5/2010 NEIs: Requirements for submitting learner forms to SANC


30 June 2010

TO ALL:Nursing Education Institutions
 Nursing Stakeholders

Nursing Education Institutions: Requirements for Submitting Learner Forms to South African Nursing Council


Attached, please find a copy of the document:



South African Nursing Council (SANC) is acutely aware that there is a need to improve service delivery with regard to processing of learners who are / must be registered in terms of the Nursing Act, 2005. With this objective in mind, SANC has prepared the abovementioned document – in order to standardize the manner in which Nursing Education Institutions (NEIs) communicate with SANC on these matters and vice versa.

The document covers all aspects of the learner’s education and training – from initial registration as a learner right through to registration of the eventual qualification at the end of the course.

NB:    Under the Nursing Act, 2005, all nursing learners are to be registered with SANC. Consequently, the word enrolled and other previously used words such as rollenrolmentstudentpupil, etc. will not be used anywhere else in this circular or in the abovementioned document.

While SANC appreciates that, for many institutions these requirements might mean making adjustments to standard operating procedures, the benefit to be derived will make the effort well worthwhile. SANC is sure that we can rely on the full cooperation of all NEIs in implementing these requirements. A speedy implementation of the requirements will benefit both the NEIs and the learners.

Educators and administrators are required to implement the requirements set out in the document in order to facilitate the efficient and effective processing of learner submissions and related matters. If you experience any difficulties or problems, please do not hesitate to call SANC for assistance on the numbers given below.

Please direct any queries regarding this circular or the requirements document to:


Examination queries:Manager: Examinations
Tel      012 426-9596
Registration queriesManager: Registrations
Tel      012 426-9599
SANC Call Centre012 420-1000


Additional copies of the document can be requested from SANC or they can be printed from the SANC website publications page: 

Download a copy of the guidelines – for processing of learners  (277kb)


Ms S A Mchunu
Acting Registrar
South African Nursing Council

© 2004 - 2020 South African Nursing Council (Under the provisions of the Nursing Act, 2005)


Press Release 1/2010 SANC supports the national campaign on the prevention and treatment of HIV and Aids

Press Release 1/2010 SANC supports the national campaign on the prevention and treatment of HIV and Aids


25 March 2010


For immediate release:


In strong support of the National Campaign on the prevention and treatment of HIV and AIDS, and in recognizing the essential role that nurses should play in reaching national goals, the South African Nursing Council pro-actively want to invite and enable all nurses to actively participate in this campaign (April 2010 – June 2011).

Retired nurses who are eligible for registration and who are currently not registered with South African Nursing Council are therefore invited to register as a specially created category of nurse in terms of section 31(2) of the Nursing Act, 2005.


Registration will imply:

valid registration for 12 months
participating in counseling, testing, general health screening, referring and educating of members of the public.


Nurses who, on a voluntary basis avail themselves to participate and support the campaign, can obtain more information from the following sources:

Phone : 012 426 9542



© 2004 - 2020 South African Nursing Council (Under the provisions of the Nursing Act, 2005)


Circular 1/2010 Status of registered certificate courses achieved prior to the repeal of the regulations for those courses on 17 August 1985

Circular 1/2010 Status of registered certificate courses achieved prior to the repeal of the regulations for those courses on 17 August 1985


10 February 2010

TO ALL:Non-Training Institutions
 Nursing Stakeholders
 Registered holders of the qualifications

Status of Registered Certificate Courses Achieved Prior to the Repeal of the Regulations for those Courses on 17 August 1985


This circular applies to:

Certificate in Renal Nursing (R. 670 of 31 March 1983 as amended)
Certificate in Stoma Care Nursing (R. 670 of 31 March 1983 as amended)
Certificate in Occupational Health Nursing (R. 238 of 13 February 1981 as amended)
Certificate in Spinal Injury Nursing Science (R. 237 of 13 February 1981 as amended)

It has become apparent that, following the issuing of Council Circular 2/2007, the status of the abovementioned qualifications may not be well understood. This circular is being issued to clarify Council’s position regarding these qualifications.

Training for the above certificate courses was conducted in accordance with regulations of the Council at training providers approved to offer the programmes in accordance with the provisions of those regulations. Because the courses did not constitute a full year programme, a Diploma was not issued on successful completion of the course. Instead, the successful candidates were only issued a Certificate of Registration of the Additional Qualification.

These certificate courses therefore constitute Registered Additional Qualifications and, as such Circular 2/2007 (that deals with Listed Courses) does not apply to these qualifications. The abovementioned additional qualifications remains registered after the names of those nurses who achieved them – nothing has changed to affect this.

All queries in respect of this circular must be directed to the manager for the Registration Sections at the following number:

012 426-9599 (Registration)


S A Mchunu (Ms)
Acting Registrar

© 2004 - 2020 South African Nursing Council (Under the provisions of the Nursing Act, 2005)
